GlasshousesThe Leeds Community Project has just become a reality! We are really excited and want to share this with everyone. So please stop by to have a look, have a cup of tea, help out with the preparation for tomorrow’s event, chill in the garden, bring some needed resources along, make some art, fix the roof and join our general assembly on Saturday at 3pm.

We need lots of help to get this running! Leave your computer screens behind and join us straight away at 6 Grosvenor Mount!

Who are we? What do we want? What are we doing here?

– Leeds community project sprang from a group of people who came together to reclaim 6 Grosvenor Mount.

– Once a biological growing and research area, 6 Grosvenor Mount still consists of classrooms, greenhouses and a variety of protected greenary. It has huge potential to become a community ran social and growing space.

– 6 Grosvenor Mount is a Leeds University owned space, however it is in the process of being sold to a private investor with planning permission to build eight new houses.

– Leeds community project strongly opposes the sale, believing that a handful of new privately owned houses are not of benefit to the wider community, and that instead the space should be placed into the hands of the people.

– Since its disuse in 2011, several students and residents have been in communication with Leeds University to prevent the sale for private investment. The local resident association described 6 Grosvenor Mount as a ‘community asset’ and for several months even halted development plans.

– The university has not listened and has continued to process the sale. It is time to take action to save this unique community opportunity.

– Leeds Community Project has been set up to reclaim 6 Grosvenor Mount, so it can be ran and controlled by the people. Please pay us a visit, get stuck in, join our meetings and let us know what you want from Leeds Community Project. Help shape the future of 6 Grosvenor

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